lube-wise, i would try and drip/spray some between the grey cylinder on the back of the shell (that is depressed by the firing pin, its where the fill valve is) and just work the lube in. unpressured, thevalve should depress withe about the same force as the valve of a gbb mag, may be slightly stiffer but not my much. As a diagnostic method, and if you have any, try running some of the shells with duster just to see if it is a pressure problem.
As for how much gas to fill, its the standard japanese-style of fill till it squirts out method. i find it take about 1.5-2 seconds to fill, a surprising amount for such a small reservoir. this of course fills it full. if you want to try less, try anywhere between a 0.5-1 second spray, although i'm not sure if that will lead to less pressure (as oppose to less economy/rounds able to be fired).