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Old April 2nd, 2008, 21:56   #2
Red Wine & Adderall
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Saskatoon, SK
Its not overly complicated.

Remove the bottom RIS cover and start removing the screws on the brackets that hold the top part of the RIS on.

Afterwards when you have that off your going to have to remove the front flash hider. So look for the screw on the bottom of the flash hider and remove that with an allan key. Now twist the flash hider off in a counter clockwise motion.

Now its time to remove the front sight, so I cant remember if there are some pins but there will also be a screw on the bottom of the sight/sling attachment point just like there was on the flash hider. After you get it all off, all thats left is to unscrew the D ring and you should be able to remove the outer barrel.

I would recommend keeping all the parts together in a small container or taking pictures as you proceed as putting it back together may prove to be a problem if you forget where what goes. Over all though its not that hard to do, just start removing screws and what not and you'll eventually get it off. Just dont lose anything. If something doesnt come apart right away, take a second stop look at it, make sure all removeable pins and screws have been removed and then keep trying. You dont wanna over force things.

Best of luck.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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