Originally Posted by beastor
Excellent... The pilotka I have always wanted, the problem will be finding one my size (62 cm)
The Panama looks cool as hell, I will certainly be buying that!
Can you suggest some shoulder boards to put on Igor?
The choice of shoulder boards would depend on what branch of service you decide to go for, the motor rifles (regular infantry) wore red ones with CA (Sovetskaya Armiya), airborne wore blue ones with ВДВ (Vozdushno-Desantnye Voyska), border guards wore green ones with ПВ (Pogranichnye Voyska) and most other ground troops wore black ones with CA. Get whichever you fancy and whichever would go with the collar insignia you like and can procure.
If you can't find a good-fitting pilotka and decide to go for the panama instead, it might be a good choice to go for either the borderguards or the airborne impression. You already have an AKS that would fit the look well (sans the silver bolt and orange bakelite mag). To make the impression complete, just add a KLMK oversuit and a RD-54 ruck.