Thread: P90
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Old March 19th, 2008, 07:21   #2
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: STL Misssouri
P90 Barrel Length

I installed a 363MM in one of my P90s and it works with the stock cylinder.
I also installed a 455MM in my other P90 and cut 5MM off to make it fit correctly inside my silencer. There are several posts on this subject in the forums. But to make it esay for you just get one of the below cylinders.
All you have to do is buy a barrel XXX Lentgh and buy the below cylinder that matchs the length of your new barrel.
KM TN TAPER CYLINDER for AEG Barrel 200-400mm
KM TN TAPER CYLINDER for AEG Barrel 400-590mm
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