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Old March 11th, 2008, 19:19   #14
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Location: In your bedroom going though your underwear drawer
Bascially, if it's for plinking and not wanting to litter up your yard, go for it. If you want accuracy and range in a game, go for good quality BBs.

I should add that I have had a couple of these BBs break in the mags of my pistols, and that was one reason for feed problems. The other problem with feeding (as Jimski noted) is that they're not polished, and the surface is quite rough. This probably affects their accuracy too.

I never tried them in hicap mags, so I can't vouch for that. Only tried them in midcaps so far.

And as said, they're $16 + tax at Walmart. Why would anyone want to order them online for $20 US + shipping? :S
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