seems like way more trouble then its worth. all this extra worry about spring/follower jams, debris getting inside the internal mechanisms, and strong and weak side draws. the only thing i saw it eliminating was the mag flip needed when drawing from a normal pouch, because that massive dust cover protecting the internals seemed cumbersome and eliminated any time saved. and even the molle on the outside seemed pointless, you cant stack two on top of each other like shingles because then the top one will block the draw area of the bottom one, unless you mount it back three columns, in which case preforming a weak side draw from the top system will be very uncomfortable. all this work to effectively downgrade the amount of mags you can carry at 50X the cost of just getting a pouch or a magpul. but if you want tacticool l33t navyforcereconbbq ninjitsu specops then each to their own, ill stick with my 12$ m4 pouch
