For a plain old sight, there's no need to go with such a tough metal. I can't see any need to go above die-casted zinc alloy for airsoft use, as there are no harsh recoil forces to deal with (unless you're after the added weight.)
Different story if it's potentially load-bearing as this VLTOR one is supposedly capable of. I personally still wouldn't use the sling mount on this VST-1 replica anyways, so the material is a non-issue for my uses.
Cassius, GRS makes a steel version of the PRI front flip up if that kind of thing gives you a hard-on, but they run around $60USD + shipping from overseas retailers. It's also a casted sight, as far as I can tell, despite being steel.
If you're looking for something machined from billet stock, you're wasting your time by looking at airsoft. Check out real steel... but expect to pay real steel prices and having to deal with fitment issues (the securing pins are located differently than airsoft.)
Last edited by ILLusion; February 15th, 2008 at 11:30..