Originally Posted by Koopa
That and people leaving games early or sitting around in the safe zone. It screws up the balance and usually causes the game to end shortly after. Not cool
Worse when it's the dirver that leaves the game two hours early, sits on ass talking up those who left early too, then those that are riding with him finish the game, struggle back to the cars to unload, relax, pack up and chat some, only to get bellowed at by the driver to get shit ready cuz he's hungry (ignoring the fact he ate during his fuck off period) and wants to go.
Also pisses me off that people send guys with gun problems my way beginning of the day, to either troubleshoot or borrow tools, I help them best I can while gearing up, and the same fuckers that sent them my way bitch at me for not being ready on time for game start. Seriously, fuck off!