the ABA and UKARA......why not Canada?
I've been trying to follow the progress being made by the airsofters in the UK and was wondering what it would take to lobby our local Canadian government in order to change exisiting laws concerning realistic imitation firearms. It looks like, in the UK, as long as you are 18 and have obtained a membership to a skirmish site that's registered with UKARA (united kingdom airsoft retailers association) then you can legally obtain a RiF.
Instead of retailers trying to fight with Canada Customs and the RCMP, at huge costs within the court system. Would it be more feasible to lobby our local MLA's, MP's, premiers to try and change existing laws?
Would airsofters seem more credible if we even went so far as to try and get crapsoft products out of Wal-marts and Canadian Tire type stores.
Let's face it.....anybody who has spent hundreds of dollars on a quality AEG isn't going to go out and shoot up the town with it. I'm certain that acts of vandalism that involve paintball and airsoft weapons are more than likely committed with cheap and easily available markers.
What say you guys? Would you spend money on a license or some type of registration if it meant you could more easily obtain a good quailty gun?
I think most would.
I'm interested in your thoughts.
Inside me is a thin woman, screaming to get out. But I can usually shut the b*tch up with chocolate.