ROF was ok with my DE AK. Not as good as either my stock TM or CA guns. Was still acceptable though. Now that I have torque-up gears in my C8 (former M4), its ROF is about the same as that of the AK. So I wouldn't say it's bad, but if it's a BB hose you're looking for, this isn't the gun for it.
That being said, I really like mine. I thought about selling its battered carcass for parts, but I'm going to hold on to it and possibly rebuild it in the future with better parts.
Oh, and get a new battery. The batteries that come with DE guns are poo. I charged mine about 10 times before it would no longer hold a charge worth a damn. First few charges, it lasted for thousands of rounds, but would slowly diminish. Right before it broke, I could only fire off about three 110 rnd mags before the battery died. And the battery was always charged with a smart charger, so never overcharged to ruin it. The battery is just plain garbage.