I was considering (Well, 99% chance I will do this at some point) modifying my G&P M4 to either a M16, or to a custom gun with long hand guards as well as a long outer-barrel. I was looking at this:
I do know how to field strip my gun and put it back together piece by piece (Gearbox incl.) though I have no idea what most of the parts do so this is why I ask. I am not a 'noob' to gun modification as I've modified my Hi-Capa 5.1 quite a bit already--I just lack knowledge of AEGs.
It is to my understanding that I will need:
-Longer Handguards
-Longer Outerbarrel
-Longer Innerbarrel
-(Larger cylinder to accommodate increase of required pressure to shoot)?
Now here are my questions:
1. Are most inner barrels the same, only varying in length? (ie. Could I stick a PSG-1 barrel in the M4)
2. If I go with a 24" outer Barrel, I'm fairly sure a M16 length inner barrel would not suffice, what inner barrel COULD I use to accommodate this massive length?
3. With a barrel length longer than M16, would a M16 cylinder still function or would I need different cylinder?
4. Is there any harm in the inner barrel falling short of the outer barrel? (Say a few inches)
5. Did I forget any other ex/internals required for this modification?
My M4A1 is getting really boring to look at and I love long guns more than anything. (Huge fan of the SVD Dragunov, M14 EBR, L96A1, etc.)
Would these ex/internals be sufficient in modifying my gun?