i am from germany and this is my first posting so sry for my bad english :-)
also sorry for this bunch of questions /blush
i recognized this very interesting threat and have some questions about this prowin gb.
My gun is a custom thing: Classic Army MK12 Mod0 kit, G&P Akku Stock, G%P Body, PDI X-Fire 6,01 mm, KA M3 + extender and so on, no other internales until now.
so i am still building this beautiful gun and i want now procced to the inner tuning. the target is more than 600 fps (Guarder SP170), so all internals should be able to handle this power this for a while.
I heard that the 7mm version is crap, all questions belong to the 8mm version.
Here we go:
- Would those missing parts like sector gear leaver and the switch assembly fit, if i take them f.e. from a Systema complete mechabox (M170)?
- which gearset would you prefer? any experience with the prometheus super tourge up gears (not helical, to hard to shim;p)
- can i use both types of pistons? half or full theet?
- what about bore up cylinder-sets? would they fit? i guess the pgw nozzle could be a problem then ...
- @ Voodoo: i got an G&P M16 Metal body as well, i would love to take a look at some photos of the metal work (fileing) that is to do with that G&P body and the prowin GB. i hope you can help me out!
- is it possible to ... hm dont know the word ... lay the wire "backwards"?
like i mentioned, i got a G&P Akku Stock, so its an important question

in the review from tantec.ca they took the wires to the gb-front. do you know what i try to explain?
- could anyone explain what exactly the hopup sleeve is, with an image for example? i can imagine but im not sure.
Thats all for now. you can see that i plan to exchange most of the prowin internals if possible. i like that box because of its look&feel and of course for the huge advantage to change the upper internals quite easily&fast
If anyone could help i would be so happy and perhabs i can return the favour!
Greetings from germany