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Old December 5th, 2007, 21:39   #6
White_knight's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
well if the body splits in half, the carry handle will act as a clamp and prevent you from taking the body into halves... but again, i have no experience, just trying to offer some help
if you have no experience then why try, your causing more harm then good, you do not need to remove the carry handle. and why do you need to take it apart. im not trying to be a jerk but getting it in two is the easiest part, from then on you better know what your getting into. that being said push out both body pins and then grab it by the fore grip and stock and pull it apart sideways. since the metal body doesn't have rear tabs then it should just slip off the mechbox. if it does have rear tabs then your going to have to take off the motor and pistol grip before you can separate
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Last edited by White_knight; December 5th, 2007 at 22:15..
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