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Old October 19th, 2007, 18:47   #6
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Literally it should be done every 1000-2000 rounds, or if the gun sat unused for several months. I hate arguing with people that claim "Oh, your gun jammed because you put a tightbore in it!" (there being zero accounts of tightbores jamming on ASC, or elsewhere for that matter) and having my explanation of tightbores only jam with bad ammo or shitty maintainance fall on deaf ears. This stems from a guy whose M16A2 I upgraded that included a tightbore, the guy didn't play (or use the gun) for at least a year, and within the first mag out of the gun, a BB gets stuck in the hop up rubber. Wasn't the tightbore, it was lack of maintainance.
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