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Old September 25th, 2007, 15:14   #5
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Victoria, BC
I am pretty sure that I am using the KA version, which in that case, no, there is no threading. Mind you, if you loose the front-end (front barrel, gas block) there is threading, just the silencer will be sunken to the fore-grip.

Just looking at Huangs post there, his version has a longer front barrel, by around ~2-4 inches I would guess. Mine definitely looks a little shorter. Can't hurt to keep safe and get the 510mm but if you want to go the $$$ route, get a bore-up kit, a Modify torque-up gear thingy (it's new, it's hip), nice strong spring, and a Madbull 590mm tightbore.


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