new here steyer aug a2/ tournaments
Hey guys, Im new to this stuff, As you can see buy my name I got the steyer Aug A2 by classic army,
Now Im curious as to where i can go to find some action with this thing, tournament action,
I pissed a good wad of my cash away with this,
And im curious to go to these tournaments should you go out and buy the appropriate camo, or just look like a tool in civies and.. run around...
I got a british para helmit tunic and fatigues but this is canada.. haah...
This site is awsome btw..
oh and can anyone tell me if the aug was a good choice?
thanx in advace guys I plan on stickign around for a while. :mrgreen:
Last edited by Smoke.Aug.a2; August 9th, 2007 at 17:10..