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Old July 13th, 2007, 15:26   #1
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Philippine - Owners of airsoft rifles and guns urged to register

05 - Owners of airsoft rifles and guns urged to register
Thursday, July 05 2007 @ 02:41 PM BST

05 - Owners of airsoft rifles and guns urged to register and acquire proper license

Owners of airsoft rifles and pistols and members of airsoft gun clubs in Negros Oriental have welcomed the recent announcement by the Philippine National Police (PNP) that this particular type of firearm is finally covered by certain guidelines and rules and regulations.

Individual airsoft gun owners and gun clubs in Dumaguete City have started flocking to the PNP's Firearms, Explosives, Security Agencies and Guards Supervisory Section (FESAGSS) to inquire and begin processing their respective licenses.

PNP-FESAGSS Region VII chief P/Supt. Rey Lyndon Lawas disclosed that his office has already started conducting lectures and briefings with various airsoft gun clubs in Central Visayas to inform the public on PNP Circular No. 8 which PNP Chief Oscar Calderon had issued in recent months.

Lawas said this document talks about the "Rules and Regulations Governing the Manufacture, Importation, Exportation, Sale, Possession, Carrying of Airsoft Rifles/Pistols and Operation of Airsoft Gun Clubs and Playgrounds."

A PNP definition of an airsoft rifle/pistol includes battery-operated, spring and gas type powered rifles/pistols which discharge plastic or rubber pellets only as bullets or ammunition.

As a toy, an airsoft gun refers to those manufactured as an exact replica of a real armament with all its specifications and corresponding intellectual property sign or logo.

While these can now be registered according to specific guidelines, airsoft rifles and pistols have limitations which, according to Lawas, must be observed and adhered to strictly by owners and users as well as importers and dealers.

An airsoft gun must be properly licensed accompanied by specified requirements and can only be used within a designated playground that is duly authorized such as a licensed firing range.

While in transit, airsoft rifles and pistols shall be secured in their cases and a permit to transport is also required for the carrier to bring it from the residence to the designated playground or firing range.

Only registered airsoft guns can be used in airsoft wargames at a licensed playground, which cannot be opened to the public for safety reasons.

Wargames must have the necessary permit and the nearest police station has to be informed of the activity prior to its holding, said Lawas.

Lawas urged airsoft gun owners, gun clubs, and operators of airsoft playgrounds and firing ranges to coordinate with the local police to be guided accordingly as to the proper use, transport and other matters pertaining to this particular type of sporting firearm.

He warned of strict penalties and fines against those found violating laws that cover airsoft rifles and pistols. (PNA)

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