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Old July 3rd, 2007, 17:19   #15
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
I could see not carrying a bayonet.... but no knife.... I don't know of anyone who spends any amount of time outdoors that would not carry a knife....

And going into a combat environment without at least a ulility blade... you're kidding right?

Sorry if it seemed like I was saying no one carry's a knife. Everyone I know either carries a knife they picked up somewhere or just use the issued Gerber Multitool since they have their uses. Bayonet's though arent something carried all the time. I know I don't carry a bayonet on my chest rig. No good place to attach it(least from what I've tried), I carry enough stuff on me, don't need any extra stuff daggaling off my rig an poking me, an I don't think I'll ever need to fix bayonets or whatever overseas.

Last edited by -Skeletor-; July 3rd, 2007 at 17:23..
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