Thread: Systema PTW
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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:35   #76
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
After having the chance to field the PTWs today and get to put them throught their paces, all I can say is HOLY F@#K!!!

The M150 kit is some piece of work. Side-by-side with a Classic Army gun, I was outranging it by perhaps 100 feet or more (hard to tell at that range) and with a superior rate of fire. I could fire in semi 5+ rounds/second with no lag at all (all 5 BB's would be visible in-flight). The 6.04 barrel sure helps things out as well and I had no problems with accuracy.

The M90 and M110 kits performed well, and for CQB work the M90 is fine, but the M110 is the minimum that should be used with this gun for outdoor play. I currently don't have the M130, so no info there.

For those guys waffling about the price or proprietary nature of a PTW, put it to rest. The performance is so far beyond any other gun out there and the flexibilty is second to none. They are worth every penny and more. Everyone who got a chance to play around with them today was blown away by the performance and somewhat frightened and insecure that I would dare to use such a machine against them. That should tell you something right there.

So stop spending money on these "toy" Marui, Classic Army, ICS, whatever and get the good stuff!!!!
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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