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Old April 12th, 2007, 09:56   #7
A Total Bastard
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AHG V3 - Sodium Bicarb Grenade

I have used 10 of these.

Chemical reaction creates gas that overpressures plastic grenade body.

Water and half of binary are loaded into body with BB's, other half of binary is loaded into cap, which also functions as trigger.

Non pyro
No nasty chemicals
Relatively cheap
Weight not a safety issue for throwing
Single use - no hunting for parts and good for field use

Poor BB pattern (indeed, they often don't move at all)
A bit delicate and sensitive to crush
Getting binary mixture right takes practice
No timer/Unpredictable detonation

These should have been marketed as distraction devices. For non pyro they make a really nice bang.

The real issues are the lack of power to drive BB's and detonation control.

To get BB's to disperse, you need to use so few you don't get coverage. Detonation depends on the chemicals mixing and can be flaky, and most times the grenade will not detonate until it hits something and gets punctured.

And X2 on Scarecrow's assessment of the market. I encounter at least one scenario per game where a good frag device would save me time and be a great psychological weapon. I could care less what it looks like as long as I can find a pouch for it.

Thats 30 a season for me, at least. Probably more if they worked well. $5-$10 a piece, I would suggest a short grenades only game! Cheaper than going drinking!

Last edited by Blackthorne; April 12th, 2007 at 10:05..
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