Originally Posted by Scarecrow
Characteristics we value:
-disposable/one time use
-good shelf life
-has concussion effect
-has a smoke effect
-is safe to wear and transport when not fused
I have to concur. We use pyro grenades made by Zerodelay, and are quite satisfied.
As long the price is between $5-6 each, are consistantly available in large quantities, I could care less if they are re-usable or not, and in fact would prefer disposable.
Re-uasable means you have to find at least some major component. For outdoor play, it's not only impractical, but likely impossible. Then there's the re-assembly aspect, recharging if required, maintenance of parts, etc. that just doesn't work in the heat of battle and most guys out west aren't much into a $30 grenade + parts that will end up being one-time use when you lose and/or break it.
I prefer "fire and forget" so to speak. It's one less thing to worry about.