What a minute, I'm not sure I understand. You would discount a SAW if it is too accurate regardless if an aeg is capable of carrying mass ammo and perform extended bursts of fire at a higher rate of fire? You could also throw in, weight and appearance as factors as well. But, if its accurate it is not a SAW? please explain
Bullpup Dog,
I would not want to negotiate indoor play with a gun that big. Its possible but you probably wont need the SAW in a CQB. With that said not many people would consider the L85a2 by any stretch of the imagination to be a SAW so a conversion between games would probably be a waste. These roles are hard to put together, especially when a field requires that you basically buy a SAW. My opinion would be to buy the L86 and buy a used stock gun from a reliable source for CQB. I agree 100% with the cost warnings. There is not such thing as a budget SAW.
Originally Posted by Bullpup Dog
i play on a friends property with other friends who are into airsoft and the indoor i go to in calgary isnt nearly as strict with all the ammo rules and whatnot. i dont know if its calgary or what, but alot of these limits that everybody talks about (aside from fps limit obviously), ive never heard of. anyways my thought was that for the same price i would get a more accurate, heavier maybe ill just stick with the L85 norm. now i just gotta save up for the hefty 975 price tag.