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Old March 2nd, 2007, 23:59   #18
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: MB
Originally Posted by ancorp View Post
Well... yea thats quite a reliable source Id assume. Unless they are afraid of the competition

I bet that by the time these GBBs are out, they will be much more gas efficient. I mean, the recoil is much less than on the escort, I'm doubting those numbers still...

Time will tell...

I still want one.

Oh so do I. I've dreamt about internal-gas GBB rifles (and ESPECIALLY an AKS74U) since I got into this sport. However I'm skeptical that the TK will end up being any sort of commercial success simply because it'll be way too damn expensive. That looks like a VFC or Inokatsu kit he's using which is easily CAD$1,000 right off the bat. Add his custom gas internals for, say CAD$500 (an Escort M60 engine is $850), then a rough estimate of $200 per magazine? Just not a practical skirmish weapon at that point.

I think one issue with the efficiency stems from the fact that TK will have to be using direct unregulated gas pressure. External rigs benefit from a regulator that will allow you to tune your output and achieve a much more consistent and efficient flow.
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