i had a KSC G19 with the metal slide and outter barrel and ran propane through it for 2 years, gamed often. The reason i went to propane is cause with the metal you need that extra punch to keep the ROF up. even when plinking you can watch how much slower a slide racks when fired on gas as opposed to propane, just keep the mags oiled and the gun aswell. Now i have a KSC G23F with same metal upgrades and propane still isnt enough, so i have to go with a stronger recoil spring. but i never found it to be a problem with the stock spring on the G19. trust me though as im more of a collector now too, i love the kick a metal slide gives out when its done right and its not very costly at all. 123.00CDN tax in for my metal slide and barrel from ASCarmoury and 15 dollars for a beter recoil spring and guide and 40 bucks for a propane adaptor from Airsoft innovations that fit onto a coleman propane bottle from your local Hardware store for 4.99 and a bottle of silicone lube from a sporting goods shop or even WET brand, sex lube makes a good silicone oil. Not joking you for like 15 bucks and it will last you 6 months or more " its what i use" muahaha Im married guys so dont think im some sicko k thanks lol