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Old November 15th, 2006, 19:09   #7
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Wow, too many questions. If you plan to use only duster (best stuff will have the word tetraflouroethane in the warning/first aid warning at the back of the can, avoid the one that says diflouroethane................ tetra (meaning 5) is good, di (meaning 2) isn't as good) then why not stick with the plastic slide/outer barrel? I (and quite a few others) have run full propane in our stock G19s for thousands of rounds, with the only wear being a wearing of the notch the slide catch grabs onto (only affects the slide remaining open after the last shot). Others have reported (remember, only can trust the info from people that actually had it happen to them or were present when it happened/seen the amage), mostly heresay, that the stock KSC G19 will break apart if you use propane. What I've seen personally, none have had adverse damage from using propane. As for the internals, they can handle the propane no problem.

Something you will need is the enhanced recoil spring if you get a metal slide, since the increased mass of the slide will require a stronger spring to return the slide into proper battery. If you choose to buy an enhanced recoil spring, yo ucan even use it with the stock plastic slide. It'll absorb more of the rearward energy the propane will give (reducing risk of breakage) but will make the slide move forward faster. End result is a super fast cycling GBB.

And, AVOID buying a metal slide kit for it made by G&G, they are really bad, cause more problems than anything beneficial. I put a G&G outer barrel (with threaded supressor on the end) and it jammed constantly. Add in the upgrade I did ot Lutnit's KSC G19, it'd jam up constantly, barely able to get a full mag's worth of BBs out of it before it'd seize up.

Last answer (for now) is that if the temp is over 20C, you should be able to get a full two mags out of one gas fill, that is bone stock mags (no high flow valves). Even though my main G19 is fully upgraded (tightbore, etc.) I can still get a good two mags worth on a hot day per fill up. And no, I don't have high flow valves installed either. My gun shoots 0.20g BBs at 341fps as it is, so I really don't need to pay $25 per mag (six mags @ $25 each) to boost the already high fps more.
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