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Old October 20th, 2006, 03:18   #7
attack-beaver's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Location: calgary
i own a TM G3 right no in the steps in selling her t buy a CA.

the TM it was creaky and what not but when your in combat your barely notice it (atleast for me) the bi-pod is good not the best but its stock and i didn't care that much. the AUG is a nice gun i'll give it that but i found the trigger weird to operate (i must need a switch) the AUG as a 2 stage trigger i guess theres a difference in the auto and semi-auto but if your in indoor play and its semi-auto only it can get a bit weird to use cause well with no switch you can pull to much and give a full-auto bearst and well some people may not like that. now i only used if for like an hour so i didn't get uset to the TM but i also found very rear heavy but this is my opioin i would have to say go for the G3.
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