AK-47 Firing problem.
My TM AK-47 worked fine for a couple of years. Never opened it, never upgraded it. Everything is still stock.
I went to a game earlier in the season and went to test fire. The gun cycled once in full auto without firing a BB, then stopped. Every trigger pull after it just made a click that I could feel through the pistol grip, as though the gears refused to move. Thinking that something must have come out of position in the mechbox, I disassembled it. No damaged parts. I reassembled it (after a lot of "WTFing") and it worked. For two mags, BBs firing and everything. Then the ugly problem reared its head again. Another dissassembly and reassembly yielded a working gun, but again for only two mags.
As this is my first attempt at working inside a mechbox, I need some clue as to what could possibly be wrong. Any help would be appreciated.