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Old June 29th, 2006, 20:57   #1
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: USA
Enhanced airseal on the G36...

After much troublesome labor to pinpoint FPS loss on my G36, I did something right. I wanted to post my mods in case any other G36 users had similiar issues. I will note that any modification is done at your own risk. I did the mods with extra parts available as a fail safe.
The main issue stemmed from airseal between the hop up unit and the mechbox. I knew that the mechbox internals were air tight due to numerous tests. The lack of airseal btw the hopup unit and mechbox was confirmed. When I fired, I would pull back on the barrel towards the mechbox and see as much as a 50 fps increase. Otherwise it was just shooting 330 with a PDI 170 spring.
To make the long story short, I did the following modifications. I shaved off the two tabs on the hop up that lock the barrel & hopup into the front assembly. I then shaved a small bit off the two walls of the rear portion of the hop up unit that rest against the mechbox. These two mods would allow the hopup unit to sit slightly closer to the mechbox. I also realized that the Aug sized air nozzle created the best airseal (b/c it was slightly longer). The Guarder Aug nozzle created a better airseal than both the stock G36 nozzle and the Guarder G36 nozzle. A picture comparision can be found here:
I tried a KM RH65 bucking but didn't have the best luck with feeding and airseal. I may try it out again later but things are working perfect right now and I don't want to touch anything. I am currently using a Guarder clear bucking. In order for this bucking to get the best airseal though, I had to insert the brass collar/ring into the hopup unit -similiar to what you would do using the nylon collar from the RH65 bucking. With the brass collar in place, hop up unit reassembled, and Aug nozzle installed, I am now getting 415-420 average FPS -again with a PDI 170.
For airseal reference, I am running the following upgrades: KM tightbore 534mm, Prometheus piston head w/bearing, Systema NB cylinder, Prometheus Aug cylinder head, Guarder Aug nozzle, and Systema metal spring guide w/ bearing. Hope this helps anyone experiencing similiar airseal issues with their G36.
I will take a few pics the next time I have the hop up out. For the time being see:
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