Thread: 2 New CA Rifles
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Old June 26th, 2006, 23:31   #59
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
Preordered mine through Hojo (ASCA) but that order was sent out weeks ago, expecting it in a week or two now (hopefully in less than a week). There is a WGC order going on soon through ASCA and they can get guns and any other resricted items so it may be worth it to give that a try, just ask for a price estimate.

When I ordered my MC51 (M41 Offizier is the CA name to avoid copyrights) Hojo did say he was ordering in 3 of them, no idea how many of them are spoken for, throw him an email and ask if you can reserve one but it does require a minimum 50% downpayment, at least what I was told.
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