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Old March 27th, 2006, 16:02   #1
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Calgary
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AirsoftDB - By Joint Operations Calgary

Hey guys, just wanted to post up a project JOC has been working on. Keep in mind this is a work in progress, and we would like to get the eastern canada feedback.

The site is a database with information on most airsoft weapons, information like weapon stock fps, length, weight, etc. There is a basic review system as well, feel free to add a review about weapons you have owned or used.

Airsoft DB <-- link

I have yet to add pistols to the list, but we are currently at 147 guns with AEGs/sniper rifles/LMG's/ and shotguns.

Eventually this will include accessories as well, but that is a long way away. If you find any flaws in the information provided, or have any suggestions, email them to:

We are currently in talks with several retailers, to get access to there pricing information, and the site will link directly to the retailers pages.

I hope this site is a good resource for noobs and vets.
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