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Old March 3rd, 2006, 18:07   #1
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SOLVED - Problem with ICS MP5SD5 - motor not catching the internal gears

Greetings airsofters and professionals,

Recently, my MP5 has been giving me a lot of trouble. A while back, I had to replace the ICS motor for it. I purchased a Systema Super-Torque Longtype motor from WGC from Ray. I installed the motor and the gun was functioning fine (with a much improved rate of fire I might add), however one day, the gun stopped firing, and the motor made whirrling noises. So I inspected the motor, took it out, and put it back in and screwed the bottom handgrip plate back on, I had to adjust the tightness of the screws in order for the motor to work and the gun to fire. This has happened to me several times where I had to adjust the screws of the bottom handgrip plate. However, just a couple weeks ago, I let a friend rent the mp5 from me when things seemed fine with my mp5. But unfortunately the gun lasted only one round in the game..around 6 minutes. The motor reportedly made whirrling noises and stopped firing, the gun was taken apart and inspected, and nothing seemed wrong, however when the tightness of the handgrip bottom plate was adjusted, nothing changed to make the gun fire once again in spite of many adjustments and close inspection of the motor. The gun was returned to me by my very disappointed friend. Upon my own inspection, I found that there seemed to be nothing wrong with the motor, the fuse was blown. I replaced the fuse but still the gun did not fire. The motor still spun though, sounded as if it was having a hard time trying to connect with the internal gears. The wiring of my MP5 is all correct, the battery was full, brand new fuse, no obstructions. So I looked inside the handgrip where there is a hole that the end of the motor is supposed to go into..I jab around inside with a long screwdriver, and reinstalled the motor and put the plate of the handgrip back on. Then the gun was firing, quite smoothly too. So now..early this week, I check out my gun to make sure it's operational for tomorrow's game. And unfortunately..after 5 minutes of firing down inside my basement, it stops firing once again. I shoot in bursts on the auto selector, I don't go rambo with it by holding the trigger. Anyways, the motor makes those whirrling sounds once again. This time, my efforts are not rewarded, nothing I do can makes my gun fire. Once again, brand new fuse, full battery (9.6v 2400mah nicad), correct wiring. It seems that the teeth of the motor is having trouble turning the gears inside. Once again, the problem of my gun has resulted in a friend of mine not being able to borrow my gun for tomorrow's game. I would appreciate some input on this situation. I'm thinking aout selling this troublesome MP5 if things like this continue. Anyways, some advice is greatly appreciated.


- R.S.
"Drilling is bloodless battle. Battle is bloody drill"
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