Originally Posted by dj_ghillie
Awesome, thanks guys.
Stalker, when you say all the trigger unit screws do you just mean the two that hold it to the receiver (seen in diagram) or is there more that isn't shown.
Diagram doesn't show anything. On the trigger assembly, there are maybe 6-7 screws on it. Do all of them except the one that has a locknut on the right side.
As for the safety screw, just remove the safety lever and the pin that links it up to the trigger. 1/ The safety isn't very good to begin with, and will eventually break anyways; and 2/ The trigger and safety is poorly designed as it is, and makes the trigger feel grinding and very heavy when you install a higher power spring. Even felt that way on mine because the safety pin going in behind the trigger was still in place. Huge improvement after I pulled it out.