Thread: Snipers Corner
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Old March 2nd, 2006, 09:24   #188
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Originally Posted by wey ferro
i found the screw for the cocking handle is a loosy too.
True. A good amount of loctite in there helps a lot as well. Clean the threads best you can, apply a fair bit, snug it in well, then leave it alone for overnight or a day or two. I did that and it hasn't budged in a few months.

Here's a tip for you: Buy the stock pouch/shellholder/cheek pad and put it on your M24. I have one on mine, looks badass, but I keep an extra mag in there and two long allen keys.............. one to adjust the hop up in the field, the other to snug down the screw that attaches the endcap to the cylinder. Maybe toss a magnet in there as well to hold your keys together so they won't fall out when you pull your mag out.
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