Thread: Snipers Corner
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Old March 1st, 2006, 21:55   #186
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Originally Posted by dj_ghillie
We'll I'm just about to receive my CA M24 (which is sitting at Specarms waiting for the rest of the order, Damn you Customs).

My question is, I know that the screws need to have lock-tite put on them but which ones need it? Is it just the two on the receiver and the two on the trigger unit, or is it every single screw on the rifle? Also what strength of lock-tite is enough? I have Permatex Medium Strength Blue, would this be too strong?

Thanks guys

M24 Exploded Diagram
Only the screws on the trigger assembly, and I mean ALL the screws on the trigger assembly. Remove one, put thread locker on it, put it back in and snug it, Move onto another screw, do the same. Continue til you have all of them done. Thread locker on external (main) screws.............. them coming loose isn't much of a problem, it's the screws stripping out the threads set in the pot metal that are the main problem.
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