Well I wouldnt suggest swat. Black=ASS. (wow that came out somewhat wrong... ) Black doesnt work as camoflage. No one who does want to cam up is going to want you on thier team, same somthat goes for the desert though you will find that players will accept a good themed arid kit. Other than that DPM is nice and works quite well in our terrain.With an SAS theme any weapon really goes i guess but i dont think any one but cops use the SIG.
As another note the SIG and M16 are really different animals. One is quite stubby like an M4 and the other is fullsize. IMO both have merits SIG has a series 3 mechbox but uses a small battery(evil) The M16 uses a large type battery but a series 2 mechbox that is somewhat weaker(not a big problem unless you play when its quite cold or upgrade it)
There are more issues with each gun I suggest when you start thinking about getting one google(and im serious dont ask "what gun is better??!?") it there are going to be tonnes of reviews out there. your best bet is to check out a game, CIA just got a new field they are working on that sounds badass.