Okay it's a 9.6v battery, not 12v. You may have put some extra wear on your gears depending on how often you played, but not really insta-strip worthy unless you really abused it (5 months was what... used daily? weekly? once a month? Go through 10+ hicaps/game?)
Either way, the motor's fine, it'll take more than that to kill it. What's most likely to show wear is the teeth on the plastic piston (can be replaced with a Systema v2/v3 piston).
But yeah, stop using that battery. Even upgraded, the FAMAS runs fine on 8.4v (I'm using a PDI140% in mine)
As for fitting an EG1000 in there, good luck with that unless you plan on adding an extra inch to the ass end of the gun, cuz there's no other way it'll fit.