....That'd be what 7 rounds means.
A lot of guys, myself included, like the thought of realism, so when we play we go with "realcap" loadouts, meaning for indoor, we use real-steel weapon loadouts +3 rounds because of the way the mags work, ie M16 gets 33 rounds, P90 gets 53, etc. Pistols only get their standard real steel number of rounds, ie Degal only holds 7, so you get 7 rounds.
Bryan McIlmoyle just posted a thread about his fields going to realcap loadouts only. Take a look.
And WRT the duster adapter, you *can* cut the little straw thinggie that comes with the duster can down a bit, but it's kinda dodgy and doesn't work that great, but check out madmax's store, Airsoft Innovations, it's in the links at the top. He's got duster and propane adaptors.
Ubique Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt
Alternatively, I could just light you on fire. - Me