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Old January 16th, 2006, 14:21   #1
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: US
Lightbulb Anyone try cryo treatment on gearbox parts?

If you don't know what it is, google it. Or just look here

Anyways, I'm waiting for my pinion gear to crap out in my gun. Once that happens, i'm thinking of getting the following cryo treated
-gear box
-high speed gears
-pinion gear
-cylinder head
-aluminum piston( My deep fire full tooth piston is showing wear on the body like this

I'm a car guy, so thats how I first heard about cryo treatment. I was looking and noticed that people would use the process on more than just car parts. To make things even even easier, theirs a place local that does cryo treatment.

The gun is running great compared to what most have said. It has been running on Hurrricane high speed gears with a KM 120M spring. I'm hoping to upgrade to an equivalent of a KM130M or SP110. Getting the parts cryo treated will give me that extra insurance that the parts can take it. I'm prett happy with what its doing now fps wisw, but I'm just wanting to experiment to see if the cryo will work to allow this combination to work.

Well, thats my plans. What do you guys think? Has anyone else tried this before? I think this is the best way to go for reinforcing parts, especially gearboxes. Theres only so much more metal you can add like the aftermarket gearboxes do. Also, at only $45 to get all these parts cryo treated, its more economical as well.
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