Thread: ICS not firing.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 21:17   #11
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Considering how easy it is to take the upper mechbox out and apart just try that again. When you take out the upper, pull out the hop up and barrel too. Make sure the spring on the hop up is there and in place properly. This is the long spring that pushes the hop up towards the mechbox to insure a proper seal. Also make sure that you fit in the hop up in the proper position when putting it back into the gun. After you fix it my next advice would be to sell the gun. Parts Ive seen broken in the ICS M4 with a 140% spring or stock.

1. Motor - The metal colar between the gear and the motor snapped right in half. I still have the motor sitting in my bin of airsoft parts.
2. Piston - First tooth on my piston broke off.
3. Tappet plate - Arm that holds the spring snapped off.
4. Selector plate - Snapped in half. I know the TM ones are supposedly the same but after I put in a TM one it wouldnt fire properly. It was sorta in between each selection of the switch. So to get the gun to fire properly you had hold the switch between settings. Then full auto would sometimes fire full auto, sometimes fire semi. Sometimes this would screw the gun right up and you had put it back to safe or push the forward assist to reverse the gears. Speaking of the anti-reverse latch.
5. Anti-reverse latch - Little piece of metal broke off the arm thats attached to the anti reverse latch. Theres two little peices of metal that stick out and keep the two pieces(arm and anti latch) from moving freely from each other. So with one of these peices broken off the anit latch would get stuck out away from the gears. This means that latch stopped working all together. I was able to fix this problem by cutting the arm off completely with my dremel. Basically this would make the anti latch now work like any other latch. Easier that replacing it with a TM one.
6. Got to see an M4 right out of the box with missing parts. Missing hop up barrel clip and mechbox screw.
7. Mag feeding problems - Both with the ICS hicap and starmags. Would fire the first few shots then stop. Or would work when it was in a good mood but I must have had one pissed off gun. Broke at every game I went to. No wonder they released it with a split mechbox.
8. Im sure Im forgetting something. Worked on 3 of these M4s now... so ya alot of problems.

Sorry to crap in your thread a bit here. But Im just a former ICS M4 owner trying to give some honest advice. Ive seen alot of people on here saying the gun is great so I guess it cant be all that bad. This has just been my experience.

Heres the gun I built after my ICS experience. Parts I built it with are.

Magpul stock
Guarder body
CA front end(1 piece barrel)
Reinforced mechbox
OK tightbore
all the rest is upgraded as well except for the gears, piston and head, cylinder and head which are all TM parts.
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