Thread: Striped Gears
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Old November 29th, 2005, 09:44   #9
A Total Bastard
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Oil Less bushings

I have been warned by my Gun Doctor to avoid the oilless bushings.

He says they are unreliable from the perspective of delivering proper lubrication to the system. Especially at the two extremes of performance, when the gun is cold and just starting to fire and when you are full auto and really working it.

He (and I) prefer the grease and regular maintainace.

Besides, regular maintainance gets you familiar with your gun and it's inner workings.

As far as upgrades, it's like throwing nitrous on your car. Sure, your gonna get power, but if you don't upgrade everything else in the power chain, your gonna snap a crank or throw a piston.

If you throw in a bigger battery, you are intorducting extra stress to the motor and everything it connects to (e.g. gears, pistons and mechboxes). Unless it's a front to back upgrade you are going to see that stress come out in different ways, like stripped gears on a jam, and cracked mechboxes after smacking your piston harder on the powerstroke.

Not to say you can't do it a bit at a time, but once it's apart, might as well do as much as you can!
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