Thread: TM VSR 10
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Old November 23rd, 2005, 23:30   #6
nutboi's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: richmond bc
when u upgrade a vsr spring, u should upgrade the piston sear and the trigger sear. the stock sears can't shoot on upgraded springs for too long. i have a pdi200 spring and i didn't dare to shoot the gun till i got both sears replaced.

after the upgrade were u able to cock the gun?

i also had to shorten the spring guide down by a bit. when i cocked the gun back the spring guide would hit the piston head just short of the piston sear locking in. after the minor mod it shoots great now.

my internal upgrades include:
laylax cylinder head
laylax teflon coated cylinder
spring guide
high pressure piston
pdi 200
trigger sear
piston sear
reinforced spring guide stopper

EDIT:check out the buy & sell section. someone is selling deep fire sears for a reasonable price.
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