Originally Posted by KaneLupis
Is your gun properly lubed?
The KSC Series glocks have a strange habit of gettin the blowback chamber stuck on recoil. The stranger thing is that sometimes the feed tounge (the thing that contacts the bb in the mag and pushes it forwards) get stuck juuusttt where the bbs are. If you've ever had a mag spray out bbs by accidentally depressing the back of the top bb you migh know what I'm talking about.
I had this problem as well, but for some reason, it problem went away after a bit.
As KaneLupis pointed out, this is the most common reason behind double feeds for KSC Glocks.
The few options you do have to fix this is, as pointed out by KaneLupis, lube the blowback chamber. You could either do this by sliding the blowback chamber forward and placing drops of lube into the channels where the chamber slides along the chamber block. Otherwise, you could strip the slide down to the chamber and put lube on the areas the blowback chamber comes into contact with the chamber block. I find stripping it down completely allows for better application of lube.
Your other option is to obtain stiffer blowback chamber springs, part#23. They aren't actually made from 3rd party companies who make upgrade accessories, but I've read on other forums that certain springs in hardware stores do have similar sizing to part#23 and are stiffer.
In any case, the blowback chamber should easily slide forwards and be able to snap back smoothly for proper function.