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Old October 31st, 2005, 22:35   #1
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Tanka M24 SWS gas problem

Hey all,

I’d like to thank all you guys in advance for trying to help me. Any who here’s the problem...

I got a Tanka m24 a while ago used. Since I’ve made this purchase the gun has not been up to par. The only way it shoots kind of good is when I assist the bolt in with my thumb while firing. It seems there is not enough gas getting to the bbs and the spring is not strong enough to hit the mag and release the gas the way it should. I’ve done some research on WGC and I found a "striker spring" I think maybe if I get this it will hit the mag harder? I’m just wondering if it's worth investing time and money into this gun because if I get something I’d go all out (new bolt/ tight bore…)

At first I though it was the mag because it was so beat up, so.... I bough a brand spanking new one but it did not change anything. I love this gun I just want it to shoot the way it should.

Any advice or anything would be much appreciated. I can take pics of any part of the gun if any of you guys want to check something out to see if it could be the problem.

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