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Old September 6th, 2019, 13:56   #3
Nice Guy
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Toronto
You are in for quite a surprise. I played back in 2009-10, the days where there were no regular Airsoft venues and most games were invite/ASC only.

Now there are quite a few places around Ontario dedicated to Airsoft. My favourite being Siege Airsoft. You'll also be surprise to see a new class of players, the Speedsofters or SpeedQB players. See video: Basically a blend of Speedball and Airsoft together. I find there seems to be more SpeedQB teams than Milsim Teams.

Back then all those private ASC games were midcaps only. Now most players carry high caps. Of course there are those who still play with Mid caps but you'll find hi-caps are more common.

Still I have fun either way. You may hear people say "There are so many cheaters nowadays" or "People aren't calling their hits." it's fine, cause us oldies just have to teach them the "Fire for effect." rule in which we continue shooting them until they call it. Then let the refs know too
- Pistolero Steve -

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