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Old July 5th, 2019, 15:56   #9
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Mississauga
I think that by this point, regardless of who says what, regardless of whether the truth is they're using the same factory and formula or not, the indisputable fact is that these BB's are very subpar.

This would suggest that they are not using the same factory, or using the same formula, or using the same polishing procedures, or perhaps the factory has also changed owners and is no longer operating the same way.

There's no disputing that new BBBs are trash and an explanation is owed to as why the new management thinks they that they should be charging premium prices for sub valken products.

Given the statistical evidence regarding the variance in the new BBBs, I'm very much inclined to think a different factory or finishing polishing process is used. Either way, something has deviated from the original process and has degraded both the quality of the BB's and the name of BBB.
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