Thread: AK vs M4 (AR)
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Old October 10th, 2018, 19:28   #17
Squid Porn Superstar, I love the tentacles!
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Location: Richmond Hill and Waterloo, Ontario
Ignoring the real world pros and cons of both platforms, in airsoft:

ARs are more versatile because there are more aftermarket accessories available, and in general there are much higher quality AR15 style parts available than AK style parts. This includes gun accessories, but something else that should be considered is kit. There is generally higher quality soft kit designed for AR users than AK users. ARs are also more lightweight and much more functionally ergonomic than the AK.

AKs are generally more durable externally because higher end manufacturers tend to use stamped steel over cast aluminum, but AKs are generally heavier. Performance potential between the two platforms as far as gearboxes and barrel groups go is pretty much the same, however there is no BTC Spectre available for the V3 mechbox. With V3 you are stuck with either the BTC Chimera or a shitty ass Gate TITAN. Most rail and optic mounts for AK platforms do not hold zero anywhere near as well as an AR, though I guess that doesn't make a difference with airsoft.
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