Depends what you see your self doing.. or what you want. More realism, or more rounds/less maintenance
General consensus is get 1 AEG 1 GBBR, If you can fork the cash for the MK12 and M4 then I don't think you'd have a problem.
I only play indoors, and use GBB's as temperature won't affect me indoors. My buddies use their WE/GHK's outdoors and have no issues during milsims / night ops as well. I personally enjoy the kick, and the round cap. Having your pick your shots made me a better shooter, rather then going trigger happy on an AEG, or when your mag is empty and you bolt lock, insert a fresh mag and letting that bolt go "home" is very satisfying.
It's really personal preference, AEG triggers will never feel like GBB's (as close as you'll get to "RS") ... but AEG's don't have restrictions on 30/40 round mags, or temperature/gas affecting the mags / fps deviations.
Also if you plan on working on your own gun, I personally find GBBs to be easier to work on. AEG's are like rocket science to me.
Last edited by BioRage; September 13th, 2018 at 10:41..