Airsoft is less expensive than paintball? O:
Hmmm well that's good news because paintball isn't very expensive; the only problem is you HAVE TO buy the field's paint. But your fee includes free hpa so that's good.
Paintball more painful!? Hmm I'm not sure about that, fps is quite low, sure my marker can shoot higher than most all Airsoft rifles but I really have to dial the air down to make it field legal (easily done with the set screw on the side). The paint has a larger mass and debatably higher energy with the larger mass, but it's not structurally sound. Paintballs don't generally pierce skin, break teeth, bruise and cut like I've seen photos of Airsoft; Airsoft is dangerous and I've stayed away from it in the past because it was never worth the risk of injury.
Airsoft has closer characteristics to shooting and being shot that paintball, the smaller profile of the bb round allows it to retain its energy and is less effected by drag. Longer range, more accurate shots; not to mention paintball gaming rules generally include "Mercy Killing" (at least when I play) but most YouTube videos they don't have that, even referees have told players " don't say Bang Bang, just shoot them"
Of course I could be wrong here but this is the information as I understand it. But I believe Airsoft is more dangerous, case and point you can't even LOOK at the classified adds on here unless you're age verified 18+, and you can't buy a gun from even Canadian Tire without an adult. Yet you see children always at the paintball range, you can even buy and sell markers on kijiji but not Airsoft.
Anyways I've blabbed enough, sorry. I could be wrong but regardless I'm interested in Airsoft, paintball just isn't real/professional enough.
Last edited by Iceking007; February 2nd, 2018 at 22:14..
Reason: spelling/grammar/clarification