Team Wendy EXFIL helmet
So here it goes, thinking of getting one, the price is pretty steep (500$CAD). Because of this, I am curious how and if I can use it for other purposes. I do like being able to attach gopro to the front. but not sure how much of a bump helmet it is for snowboarding, biking, or other activities.
So I wonder, does it really worth dishing out 500$CAD or should I go with a replica. And if I go with a replica, where can I get a good one. I have never seen a team wendy in person so it is hard to guess which ones are good.
Just a side note, I sweat like hell during each game, one reason I am interested in team wendy is their inner plastic padding.
Current Arsenal:
AW Hi-Capa 5.1 X 2
EMG DD MK18 Cerakote
TM MP5 First gen  Rare find
TM MP5A5 with swordfish 2004
Last edited by devbro; October 3rd, 2017 at 00:08..