Gauging Interest. Large Game Transport
I know more and more of us are looking to go to US Games to the MSW and AMS games. What I have found has been the length of drive has been a deterring factor.
I have been working on another project for transportation for groups from overseas looking for chartered bus transport from Toronto to various points in Canada and the US.
What I know really pertains to the Ontario Community but i would imagine similar services from other Cities would be the same.
For a 5 Day Trip from Toronto to Mississippi the cost of a 28 passenger bus is approx $4,500.00 CAD. Taking into account gear a 28 PAX will take approx 20 comfortably. which works out to $225.00 Each person for transport to and from an event.
I know that carpooling seems like a cheaper option but when you look at the cost of Fuel and Maintenance combined with potentially stopping for a hotel twice on a journey like this it can easily add up to similar cost.
For this journey I will use the mileage Toronto to Camp Shelby with 4 guys in a 2015 Dodge Caravan that gets 7.1Gal/100MI
2500 miles round trip
Fuel 177.5 Gallons of Gas @ Avg $2.45/Gal = $434.90USD/$530 CAD
Maintence- A rough estimate is $0.05/Mi that I have used in the past=$125.00 CAD
Hotel $100/Night x 2 nights= $200.00
= $213.75 per person
I think that the $225.00 per person is a better deal as you don't have to worry about any one driving them self and you can relax on both directions.
Now this only works if everyone on the bus is OK to clear into the US and has their shit straight for comingt back to Canada.
This could be worked out with two stops Toronto and London if the interest was there.
Originally Posted by DBspotter
A number of camo players just walked around with guns on their backs or hanging down with no kill indicators on them and expected players to know they are dead. I'm assuming most of these players drive BMW's and refuse to use the indicators because they know where they are going.